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About CrossFit 7220

CrossFit 7220 sprang up in 2009 when a small group of like-minded individuals stumbled upon  They began to follow their workouts and were soon consumed with a whole new way of working out and achieving high levels of fitness.

As we delved further into CrossFit, those of us who were hunters could trek through the woods with more ease. Those of us who were skiers could ski longer.  Everyone was experiencing a higher quality of life.  The word spread quickly and the community grew organically and quickly. CrossFit 7220 moved three times to accommodate more enthusiasts.  We now reside in an 8,500 sq. ft. facility that has been through numerous remodels and renovations to create a CrossFit environment suited to house large groups of individuals and their functional fitness activities. 


We are a humble, hungry, happy community that stands about 200 strong.  We come together to work hard in the gym so we can play even harder outside of it.  Some of us are competitors, but most of us just want to live happier, healthier lives. Most importantly, we've all developed life- long friendships as a result of stepping into the doors of CrossFit 7220.  The community that we've created is truly amazing and welcomes new faces everyday!

"Empowering individuals to live healthier and happier lives by providing functional fitness opportunities in a welcoming, encouraging community!"

In this short video clip, Mike Kmetz discusses the history behind CrossFit 7220.

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